Payroll - Everything You Need to Know
- Timesheets need to be digitally received by close of business on Wednesday following the week worked to ensure payment is made on time.
- Weekly BACS payment is made on a Thursday to credit your account no later than the following Monday. Those working with our approved umbrella companies may receive payment sooner than this.
- You will be given access to either Alexander Associates digital timesheets system or a client time management system at the beginning of the contract.
- Agreements in place with our clients require us to invoice weekly so it is most important that completed timesheets are submitted to us promptly on a weekly basis.
- Use the Alexander Associates Expense Claim Form unless otherwise specified by the Client.
- Remember to send receipts with all authorised expenses as otherwise payment cannot be made. Receipts should be either VAT receipts (i.e. with the VAT figure shown) or a receipt showing the VAT registration number and description of the item purchased.
- For further guidance on receipts for expenses and the charging of VAT on receipts please contact our Payroll Department using contact details below.
Self-Billing for Limited Companies
We have a self-billing arrangement in place for our Limited Company Contractors. Self-billing means we no longer require our limited companies to provide us with an invoice. Instead, we will post/email the contractor a remittance advice every Thursday.
We have been advised by the HMRC that under a self-billing arrangement the remittance advice can be used by the contractor as their invoice.
All Non-VAT-registered companies are automatically covered by our Self-Billing arrangement but VAT-registered companies will be asked to sign a Self-Billing Form at the beginning of the contract.
For more information go to
Email your timesheets or queries to our Payroll Department at
Direct Line to the Payroll Department is 01959 561 921.